Thursday, August 25, 2011

What People Think About ME

So, here's the problem, I'm in somekind of broken heart phase for the I-don't-know-how-many-times. Pathetic, eh? And this time, I am really broken. Remember my earlier post Fajar ? Yeah, that's how I feel about this one guy and suddenly he left me just like that, no explanation, no proper goodbye. I don't even know what my fault was? And I found out that he thinks that I'm "one of those fake girls out there" and I can't stop blaming my self for that :'( even more pathetic isn't it? So I took a peek at full body mirror and had some self-reflection time. And ended up I couldn't find any spot which he thought that I am fake. So, I did a little survey among some people who knows me and I asked them to answer it honestly, anything, good or bad. And here are their answers:
Richie Rizal Mahyudin: "Biarin aja dia nilai lo gitu Tarr, I know you better than him and I don't think you're fake. Lo mau tau fake? Lo liat *sensor* itu baru namanya fake. Lo kayak dia nggak? Nggak kan? Yaudah"
Andantha Izzati Djafar: "Fake? No.... Bentar, what did you do sampe dia mikir kamu itu fake? You're not fake! Fake for what? Your personality? I don't think you should ever beg for someone, I think that person should realize how beautiful you are! So, don't waste your time with a low-life like that Tar! Don't waste your time on someone who won't waste time for you!"
Desita Anggraini: "Tar, selama gue kenal sama lo, lo tuh strong orangnya, and I love you for that. You're the person with the most confident I know. You never cared about what other people think. Lo gak pernah peduli mau dikatain fake lah, toge, bitch, pornstar. Don't start now Tar. Lo selalu see the good in people, the positive side. But there's nothing wrong with that, you are you. And I'm sure he'll regret not spending more time with you to get to know the "real" you, bukan lo yang dari blog or fb or whatever. He's missing on a sexy piece of ass! And trust me, I like the real you dibandingin yang di dunia maya or what people say :)"
Anangga Gunawan: "Nggak. Aku kenal kamu sejak 2 SMP, aku tau persis bagaimana sifat kamu, bagaimana lugu nya kamu, bagaimana kelucuan kamu, seluruhnya."
Adam Pramadia: "Sseett. Kalo sampe dia berfikir kayak gitu, dia lebih muna dan fake. Nggak, lo sama dengan cewek yang lain, memiliki kelebihan, kekurangan dan memiliki keistimewaan. Lo nggak pernah berpura-pura. Tapi lo tuh suka terhanyut omongan laki-laki idiot. Dan gue yakin suatu saat lo capek dengan semua laki-laki. Karena hampir semua laki-laki memperlakukan lo dengan sama. yang membuat lo capek."

Dendy Maulana Izwari: "Hahahaha lo nanya sama orang yang salah. Lo jujur atau bohong gue juga tau Tarr. Semua kejadian tentang lo juga gue tau *ups* Nggak Tarr, mungkin penilaian orang aja beda. menutupi kesalahan atau kekurangan itu kan hal wajar. Alhamdulillah gue tau Tarr, hehehe sejujurnya lo orang yang sangat terbuka dan gampang beradaptasi, namun lo juga menutupi dengan ketat kekurangan lo, tapi itu wajar kok, bukan suatu masalah. Lo baik ya jadi cewek, pasti bahagia deh yang bisa dapetin lo ;) gue kan bisa menilai wanita Tarr. Sebagian orang hanya menunjukkan kebaikannya itu semata-mata untuk mendapatkan tingkat di hadapan orang lain, berbeda dengan memang sikap orang itu yang aslinya baik. Kan penilaiannya banyak. Dibalik pengaplikasiannya itu pasti ada maksud tertentu. Nah disitulah baik atau tidaknya orang itu terlihat. Back to basic lah intinya. But it's different with you Tarra :)"
Prisca Aninditya: "Nggak Tarr, gue tau lo nggak gitu. Well, I think there's just one answer, he's a jerk -__- a smooth talking one if you realized. Kalo dia bisa ninggalin lo gitu aja berarti he's not worth it Tarr. Unless he has a very very good reason. Or... All did he ever want was just having fun? You have to think critical at this kinda situation. Think again Tarr, apa bener ada masalah? Apa bener ada yang salah? Is it you that was wrong, or what he said that was never true? Sekarang lo jangan mikir 'salah gue apa?' Karena lo nggak tau kan 'kesalahan' itu bener ada atau cuma excuse. Seriously, do you really think that someone who waited for you for that long could just dump you like that because of a silly misunderstanding? Is that even make sense? What is make sense to me is, he was just playing with you and all the sweet things he told you wasn't true Tarr. So sorry to be rude, but that's my opinion. Now that you want something real, he left you. Why? Because he was never meant to do that from the very beginning. That's why people says love is blind."
Christian Rudolf Valentino: "Nggak kok Tarr, setiap cewek berbeda. Itu cuma alasan yang belum jelas aja. Nggak laaaah, jangan mikir gitu gara-gara cowok kayak gitu doang Tarr, cowok itu banyaaaaaaaaak sekali yang jauh lebih baik. Lo baik Tarr, tapi dia nggak baik buat lo serius gue jujur."

Jeko: "Hey Tarra Nadhira :) listen. Gue baru kenal sama lo dalam hitungan minggu, but it's a big pleasure to know you. I have told you about this. My impression on people yang baru aja kenal biasanya ya gitu-gitu doang. Tapi.. You're so different than any other girls. Gue salut sama usaha lo dalam masa-masa dimana lo survive dari masalah itu :) lo juga sangat rajin menulis blog Taaar. Jarang kan, ada cewek yang bisa bener-bener update seupdate-updatenya kayak lo. Maksudnya, lo bener-bener rendah hati dalam membagi cerita lo. I know you can deal with it. Strong girl. You are :)"

Akbar Rais: "Alah, apa banget. Nggaklah lo nggak fake kok. Lo itu asik, simple nggak jaim. Itu nggak fair buat lo Dhir, nggak nggak cuma aja mungkin dia nggak mau serius sama lo, dia takut kalo nantinya dia cuma mainin lo karena dia nggak yakin Dhir.

And after what they've just told me, somehow I felt much more better than yesterday. I didn't revised or change a word at all. I swear to God. You can believe it or don't believe it, your call and I don't care.